Imam Monawar Hussain, MBE DL FRSA
TOF utilises theology, poetry, interfaith dialogue, drama, art, music, storytelling, successful role models and 1-2-1 mentoring to inspire young people to achieve and contribute in a meaningful way to British society. The objects of The Oxford Foundation are:
Promotion of religious and racial harmony and good relations between persons of different faiths and racial groups, particularly but not exclusively by, first, ​educating young people and the wider public with regard to the distinctive features and common ground of different religious beliefs and cultures; and second, challenging extremism in all its manifestations.
Educate young people and the wider public, particularly but not exclusively through educational and arts based programs, designed to develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible persons.
I do hope you will find this website useful and that you will share in our aims and support us through collaboration as a partnership school, college or a non-profit making body with shared goals. To explore how we might be able to assist please do not hesitate to contact us.
Imam Monawar Hussain MBE DL