Imam Monawar Hussain, Founder, of The Oxford Foundation is a student of the late Shaykh Zaki Badawi KBE. Shaykh Zaki Badawi also Founded the Muslim College, Ealing, UK and was a pioneer of Interfaith Dialogue - founding member of the Three Faiths Forum. Our aim is to work with young people to deepen their understanding of different faiths and cultures; and at the same time challenge violent extremism in all its manifestations.

‘The chance to compare the four faiths in a day was fantastic and really helped the children to see the similarities rather than just think about the differences.’
(Feedback from a Teacher)
‘Thank you for arranging the trip to Dorchester Abbey. I would really like to go to Dorchester Abbey again for another day. I learnt that in March at springtime they splat paint at each other. I really liked the Islam because it was interesting and very good.’
‘Thank you for arranging the trip, it was so good. I really enjoyed it. The Christianity part and the pilgrimages were good. I learnt that pilgrims have shells n their tops and hats. Also I learnt that Christian’s wine was grape juice for the children.’

‘Thank you for arranging the trip. I really enjoyed it. I liked learning about Hinduism.’​

Islamophobia and Racism workshop led by Maryam Hussain of The Oxford Foundation for the Oxfordshire Young Peoples Association at Oxford Brookes University at Harcourt Hill. The Oxford Foundation can provide bespoke workshops on Islamophobia, Interfaith Dialogue and Cross cultural understanding. Please contact us.

Understanding Islam Event at the Central Oxford Mosque.
Led by Imam Monawar Hussain and Maryam Hussain from The Oxford Foundation with Dr. Shabbir Akhtar from the Christian-Muslim Centre, Oxford. The students were part of a weekend residential at Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford and arranged via Dr. Ida Glasser.
Thank you to the Central Oxford Mosque management committee.

'Not In Our Name' is an Annual anti-racism and Islamophobia event held at Didcot Girls' School, Didcot, Oxfordshire, that poses the question 'What Will You Do' to Year 8 pupils when confronted by racism and Islamophobia or an incident perpetrated by someone in their presence. What will they do and what can they do if they witness any form of racism in school or out in their local community. Pupils explored potential answers and responses to these questions and more throughout the day by attending several different workshops provided by several departments; Personal Development, English, Geography, History and Languages.

The Oxford Foundation provided a powerful testimony of Islamophobia from Maryam Hussain, a volunteer for the foundation, and also a significant keynote address on the importance of religious and cultural understanding by Imam Monawar Hussain.

(Apologies for the poor photo quality).